Today, just like any other day, we witness widespread chaos in universities and streets by students who are appealing to governments and relevant political authorities to solve the problems and wars that threaten people's lives. Amid these events, we see repression, dismissal, and threats from universities, which are supposed to be places of freedom and expression. So, what comes next?
Fighting for True Freedom: Student Protests in the Liberal Era
Tales of Freedom and Lost Animal Rights: Always and forever, freedom has been a symbol and motto embraced by universities worldwide. We have always learned that 'silence about the truth means participating in injustice' and that 'destroying a child's life is an unforgivable crime.' However, despite this, injustice persisted for years and years, repression and obfuscation of the truth continued, and the lie about 'human rights protection' persisted.
Humans were not the only victims in this battle; the right of animals to live on their land became a fantasy. We never believed we would become part of the crime, and we couldn't remain silent about what was happening. So, we went out to 'express' under the banner 'No to War in Gaza,' and the most brutal response came from those whose mission is to protect us. Today, we face a problem that the world has not been able to solve, the problem of freedom in the era of liberalism.
Freedom of Universities in Decision Making
Although universities were established for independence and self-expression, they have become a dumping ground for politicians in making decisions. The decisions made by universities are directed by personal political influence, leading to a limitation on the expression of students and university faculty.
Ignoring Rights
Participation in Administration: Some universities marginalize student opinions in administrative decisions and academic policies that affect their daily lives.
Transparency: Some universities lack transparency in decision-making, preventing students from understanding the policies and procedures that affect them.
We must continue to demonstrate to achieve what we want and prevent the injustice that surrounds us.