Training Using Extended Reality (XR)

In the era of advanced technology, training using Extended Reality (XR) has become one of the main tools for improving education and training in a variety of industries, enabling trainees to gain an immersive and more realistic educational experience, thereby increasing understanding and retention of information.

Augmented Reality in Education

Training Using Extended Reality (XR)

Extended Reality (XR) offers unlimited opportunities for training in simulated environments that accurately mimic real-life conditions. For example, in medical training, students and doctors can practice surgeries and medical procedures in a safe virtual environment, reducing errors and improving their skills before dealing with real patients. XR can also provide training on handling crises and disasters, enabling trainees to respond effectively in emergency situations without exposure to real risks.

Augmented Reality in Education

Augmented Reality (AR) can transform the way we learn by adding layers of digital information to the real world. AR-based applications can be used in classrooms to display three-dimensional models of complex scientific concepts, making learning more interactive and engaging. For instance, students can see and analyze the different parts of a living cell in detailed dimensions, helping them to better understand the material.

Virtual Reality in Industrial Training

Virtual Reality (VR) provides simulated training environments for industrial professions such as construction and manufacturing. Trainees can learn how to use heavy equipment or perform manufacturing operations in a virtual environment, reducing the risk of accidents and improving their efficiency. This type of training also allows for the repetition of training scenarios without additional costs, saving time and money.

Mixed Reality in Management and Maintenance

Mixed Reality (MR) combines elements of virtual and augmented reality, allowing interaction with virtual objects in the real world. MR can be used to train employees on complex maintenance operations, where they can see the internal parts of machines and equipment without the need to disassemble them. This type of training helps to improve understanding and practical skills, reducing downtime and increasing productivity.
