The danger of virtual reality devices on the brain: How can they explode and be used as a weapon?

Virtual reality devices are an advanced technology that allows users to experience immersive virtual environments, but they carry risks to the brain, such as potential neurological effects, device explosion hazards, and the possibility of being used as a technical weapon in cyberattacks.

Negative effects of virtual reality devices on the brain

The danger of virtual reality devices on the brain: How can they explode and be used as a weapon?

It is said that virtual reality devices may negatively affect the brain when used for extended periods, and their batteries may be prone to explosion in the event of overheating. In addition, they can be used as a weapon by hacking them for espionage or manipulating users. Could this be true?

Negative effects of virtual reality devices on the brain

VR devices work by sending visual and auditory signals to the brain, which may interfere with basic brain functions. Recent studies have shown that prolonged exposure to VR can cause symptoms such as:

  • Severe headaches
  • Dizziness and nausea
  • Visual strain
  • Disruptions in balance and perception

How can VR devices explode?

Virtual reality relies on lithium-ion batteries to power its advanced systems. These batteries, if malfunctioning, can cause an explosion, which sometimes happens due to overheating or overcharging. Lithium battery explosions are not uncommon, and several incidents have been recorded in various electronic devices, including mobile phones.

Real examples:

In 2020, an explosion of a battery in a VR device from a well-known company was recorded, leading to minor injuries to the user. Although such incidents are rare, there are growing concerns about their recurrence in the future.

Using VR devices as a weapon

VR technology has capabilities that can be exploited as a weapon. Through software manipulation, cyberattacks can cause harm to users, either by sending harmful audio signals to the brain or by disrupting the system entirely, leading to psychological shocks. The ability to control virtual reality and deceive users into terrifying or dangerous environments may cause long-term psychological effects.

Real examples:

In one case, hackers attempted to breach a virtual reality system in a research lab, raising concerns among experts about the potential use of this technology as a psychological weapon in the future.

Impact of VR devices on mental health

In addition to the direct physiological effects on the brain, VR devices can lead to severe mental health issues. Immersing users in virtual worlds detached from reality can cause psychological disorders such as:

  • Detachment from reality: After spending long hours in a virtual environment, users may find it difficult to return to normal reality, leading to anxiety and psychological disturbances.
  • VR addiction: There are increasing concerns that VR could cause a type of addiction in users, where they prefer staying in the virtual world over real-life activities.
  • Impact on social relationships: The isolation that may result from being immersed in virtual reality for long periods negatively affects social relationships, as some users prefer interacting with virtual worlds instead of their peers.

Technological risks in VR devices

VR technology does not rely solely on batteries but also includes complex sensors, which can become a source of danger if damaged or malfunctioning. For example, infrared-based sensors can cause eye strain if used excessively or improperly. There are also reports of VR software issues, where software bugs could lead to sudden system crashes, putting the user at risk if they are in motion or part of an experience requiring interaction with the virtual environment.

How can VR devices become tools for espionage?

VR devices are connected to networks and electronic systems, making them vulnerable to cyberattacks. One frightening scenario is using these devices to spy on users. Hackers can access the cameras and sensors in these devices to collect sensitive information such as:

  • User movements and interactions: The devices can record users' physical movements in real-time.
  •  Voice conversations: Some VR devices have built-in microphones, making it easy for hackers to eavesdrop on private conversations.
  •  Personal data: Since many applications require the registration of personal accounts and linking them to electronic payment methods, hackers can access sensitive information such as credit card details.

Real incidents involving electronic device explosions

In addition to the VR battery explosion mentioned earlier, there is a long history of incidents involving lithium-ion battery explosions in electronic devices. One prominent example is the "Samsung Galaxy Note 7" phone explosions in 2016, where millions of devices were recalled from the market due to concerns about battery explosions. These incidents highlight the risks of modern technology when not handled with sufficient care.

How can we protect against these risks?

Manufacturers and users must take precautions to avoid the potential risks of VR devices:

  • Control usage time: It is recommended not to use VR devices for extended periods to reduce negative effects on the brain and mental health. 
  • Ensure battery and charging safety: Users should ensure the use of original chargers and regularly inspect batteries to avoid overheating and explosions.
  • Security updates: Users must regularly install security and software updates to ensure that devices are not vulnerable to hacking or sudden malfunctions.

Long-term neurological effects of VR devices

One of the most dangerous challenges facing VR devices is their neurological impact on users. Long-term exposure to these devices may lead to changes in brain function. These changes can include:

  • Neurological stress: Users exposed to high-intensity content in virtual reality environments can experience neurological stress, affecting brain functions like focus and memory.                                    
  • Spatial perception disruption: Since VR devices rely on deceiving the brain regarding space and location, prolonged use can result in changes in how the brain interacts with the real environment, affecting users' navigation and spatial awareness.                                                         
  • Motion sensitivity: Some users may develop what is known as "virtual reality sickness," which is similar to motion sickness, where users experience nausea and dizziness when using the devices for extended periods.

Virtual reality and manipulation of human consciousness

VR devices are more than just entertainment tools; they can also be used to manipulate human consciousness. Some experts see the potential to exploit VR as a means to reshape individuals' concepts and ideas. For example:

  • Emotional manipulation: Through virtual environments programmed to evoke certain emotions, users may be exposed to intense emotional experiences that affect their long-term mental state.      
  •  Reprogramming thoughts: Some virtual experiences may place users in situations that cause them to adopt new ideas or beliefs, leading to changes in behavior or attitudes toward certain topics.

Real examples:

In a recent study, virtual reality was used in an experiment to simulate morally charged situations, where the results showed that participants began changing their opinions on certain ethical issues based on the experiences they had in virtual reality.

Using VR devices in cyberattacks

VR devices can be targets for cyberattacks that directly harm users. Some examples include:

  • Audio and visual attacks: By controlling the content the user sees or hears, hackers can cause negative psychological or physical effects, such as showing terrifying scenes or sending harmful audio signals.                                                                                                                                       
  • Personal data breaches: With the increasing connection of VR devices to the internet and linking them to users' accounts, hacking these systems and stealing personal data, such as payment information and biometric data, becomes possible.

Real examples:

In 2019, a breach of a VR device was reported, where hackers accessed the cameras inside the device and spied on users. This attack raised serious concerns about how to protect user data in the new digital age.

Exploiting virtual reality in military conflicts

The danger of VR devices is not limited to personal use; they can also be used in military conflicts. VR technology is already used in soldier training and military simulations, but there are concerns about the possibility of exploiting this technology in:

  • Psychological warfare: Virtual reality can be used to mislead soldiers or immerse them in terrifying virtual experiences that affect their mental state, leading to a loss of control or irrational decision-making.                                                                                                                                      
  • Manipulating military operations: By controlling the virtual systems used in training or military planning, hackers can manipulate information or give false orders, leading to catastrophic mistakes.

Real examples:

In 2020, some hostile entities attempted to breach the virtual systems used in soldier training in the United States, where several attempts were uncovered to access sensitive military information.

Necessary precautions to avoid risks

With increasing concerns about the health and technological risks of VR devices, it is essential to take precautionary measures to ensure user safety. Some recommendations include:

  • Limit excessive use: The time spent using VR devices should be reduced to avoid negative effects on the brain and body.                                 
  • Ensure device quality: VR devices should always be purchased from trusted sources, and attention should be paid to the quality of batteries and chargers to avoid explosion risks. 
  • Update security systems: Users should ensure regular installation of security updates to prevent their devices from being hacked or exposed to cyberattacks. 
  • Regular health check-ups: It is recommended to conduct regular eye and brain exams for individuals who use VR devices for extended periods.
