In the world we live in, the climate is rapidly changing, with temperatures rising across the globe. It seems that the world needs to reconsider manufacturing and producing necessities that align with the environment. One of the things that humans have started to reconsider is smart architecture that adapts to climate changes. So, what is this technology, and is it the sustainable solution to mitigate the crisis?

In the beginning, smart architecture
It is said that necessity is the mother of invention, and it is also said that innovation is the fruit of necessity. This is what has been done in this idea; smart architecture was designed to be a safe place from sudden environmental changes and an economical space that is easy for people to buy. The idea of smart architecture was created in response to rising temperatures, environmental changes, and difficult economic challenges by combining existing solutions with modern technology and producing buildings that follow the sun.
What is the floating office?
The floating office was developed by the Dutch company Waterstudio due to the rising sea levels and unprecedented temperature increases in the last decade. The concept of the floating office then began to evolve and spread. The floating office consists of buildings floating on the water's surface, built with water-resistant materials and designed to withstand harsh weather and water level changes. The interesting aspect is that these buildings are suitable for climate developments, save space, and are even movable.
Benefits of the floating office:
- Most materials used in the construction of the floating office are environmentally friendly.
- The floating office can move according to sea level changes.
- The floating office is one of the best solutions for dealing with sea level changes and sudden climate shifts.
Buildings that follow the sun: the concept of dynamic architecture
Buildings that follow the sun are intelligent structures that gradually move according to the sun's position. The idea behind these buildings is to maximize natural lighting efficiency and reduce the use of electric power, thus preserving the environment and producing buildings that rely on permanent solar energy. These buildings operate through advanced technologies, including sensors and automated systems that help adjust the building’s position and facade throughout the day.
Advantages of buildings that follow the sun:
- Improving energy efficiency: by orienting the building to face the sun directly, which increases the use of natural light and reduces the need for artificial lighting.
- Reducing operational costs: by lowering energy costs and reducing the burden on air conditioning systems.
- Environmental comfort: by providing a stable and balanced indoor environment that reduces the impact of external temperatures.
How does smart architecture support adaptation to climate change?
In recent decades, the world has faced problems with climate changes due to industrial and technological revolutions. With these issues, many ideas have emerged that help in mitigating these effects and finding solutions. Among these ideas that have temporarily contributed to reducing temperatures or shifting the dependence on manufactured energy is smart architecture, including buildings that follow the sun and floating offices. These ideas rely on exploiting changes and producing environmentally friendly buildings that conserve energy, reduce the use of manufactured materials, and save spaces, which provide a suitable future environment for our children and grandchildren. With the development of these ideas, we can ensure a good climate and a habitable Earth.
Challenges in applying these concepts
- Despite the environmental and economic benefits offered by smart architecture, there are some challenges that affect the spread of these structures. Among these challenges are:
- High costs: some of the technologies used in these buildings require large investments, which may hinder their widespread adoption.
- Infrastructure: smart buildings require advanced infrastructure and supportive technology, which may be a challenge in some developing areas.
Smart architecture: a sustainable future or a temporary luxury?
Smart architecture provides great solutions to adapt to climate changes, from floating offices that address rising sea levels to buildings that follow the sun, helping to reduce energy consumption and enhance environmental comfort. However, these ideas require human solidarity and sacrifices from the world to set aside problems and seriously consider difficult climate changes. Unfortunately, these ideas that aim to end the climate crisis are dying with each passing day in which the harsh reality of the environment is ignored.